Fortnite Keyboard Controls. You can help Fortnite Wiki by expanding it. Fortnite Keyboard Controls: The Default Computer system Controls, some Professional Configurations (Ninja & TSM Fantasy settings) and also how to rebind.

Let's face it, the default controls in Fortnite for mouse and keyboard absolutely suck: They don't optimise for building, one of the key parts of the game, at all.
Fortnite has the further complication of having build and edit modes to consider as well, making it Keyboard-and-mouse control is more precise, but also more punishingCredit: AFP or licensors.
The weapon fire position now more closely follows the actual player position when crouching and un-crouching. Note: Recently Epic added the new keybind "L" for Toggle Pickaxe (not shown below). Up, Down, Left, Right - WASD.