Call Of Duty Mobile Weapon. These weapons in Call of Duty Mobile are divided into the following categories Weapons belonging to the LMGs category in Call of Duty Mobile can be considered a mix of ARs and SMGs with an insanely large magazine size thrown into the mix. Call of Duty Mobile has gone live, and there are a LOT of guns for players to choose from or attain.
In Call of Duty: Mobile there is a whole array of guns to choose from, many of which are classic guns and weapons that have appeared in previous Call of Duty games.
Many types of weapons in Call OF Duty game.
As expected of a shooter, Call of Duty: Mobile has a plethora of different weapons to choose from. Check out our Weapon Guide to see a complete list of all the guns and weapons and what we consider to be the best one and why. So lets take a look at our Call of Duty Mobile best guns line up and see if we can't find anything for you.