Epic 7 Drop Rate. Epic Seven (DE) Epic Seven (ES) Epic Seven (FR) Epic Seven (EN) エピックセブン 에픽세븐 Epic Seven (PT) Epic Seven (TH) 第七史詩. In Epic Seven, you need catalysts in leveling up skill, powering up characters, and to complete the connection progress(you will have to gift these Repeat these stages to obtain the catalyst.
This list consist of the opinions of watching top streamers in higher ranks (Gold/Master/Challenger) and also personal experience of climbing from Bronze to high Silver.
Since the drop rate is very low, you may find it annoying.
Friends may not give survival value, but they give value to survival. Shine free with your creativity, do your best, and own the stage! For a limited time, Tamarinne has a Drop Rate Up event in Epic Seven!